Monday, August 22, 2011

Yorkies on the Beach

The Yorkies did fabulously on the trip to NC. They traveled well in the truck, though as always, they preferred the front seat to the back. The one night in the hotel went well too, although taking them on their leashes out back of the hotel in the middle of the night for their duty time seemed a bit odd.
At the beach we could only take them on the sand before 9 in the morning, and after 6 at night. That was perfect. Neither the sun or sand were too hot at those times.
We started by taking the three of them on their individual leashes. Well, you can imagine how that went. Getting their chance to run, so they did; this way and that, around our legs and under someone elses leash. Putting them on the triple coupler did not work very well. They didn't seem to be able to be very active. We found that it worked best to put two dogs with the coupler, and one on the single leash. Uno seemed like he did well coupled with either of the females.
Missy was the bravest with the water. It didn't take long in and along the water line and she would be soaked. Then wet little dogs and the sand! They were truly beach doggies! What fun!!
We met others with their pets, big and small. A bit of a social time.
As well as they did, I'm not sure if I would do it again. At least not at the time that all the family gets together. Not all beach houses are pet friendly, so we would have to leave them in their crate for the times we were out and about doing other activities. They did fine, but it seemed to restrict us some.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A New Year

Today we took Della, Uno and Missy Pooh Bear for a car ride. They, of course, didn't want to stay in the back seat, but on our laps in the front to be able to look out of the windows. We'll have to work on that. We are hoping to take them to NC to the beach this summer for our beach week. I have always just let them run free in the kitchen area; but to be able to go to NC they need to be retrained. So, we bought a large crate, so that all three can fit comfortably in there, with a hanging water dish and a soft mat. We are crating them for the night, and for when we are out on errands. Then they are let outside as soon as they are released to do their duty. It is working out great. The thing is, we can't say to go to bed, as bed means exactly that. Our bed. So we are doing as our daughter-in-law does, "go to jail". Rather appropriate, with the bars, I think. Soon we should be able to take down the gates in the house.